
With more than 30 years of experience in consulting, we offer you the best connections and opportunities to move your business forward and support you in taking your business to a whole new level. We are a team of German and Romanian speakers (each native language) and are deeply connected and familiar with the characteristics of the respective countries (Germany, Austria, Romania).

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February 2024
February 2024
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December 2023
UIR News | Blog / Articles
October 2023
August 2023
August 2023

IT Service

Red Frog Agenție S.R.L. is a company based in Romania that is active in many market segments related to IT, internet, advertising, marketing and consulting. Furthermore, the largest German-language tourism platform for Romania was developed by Red Frog Agentie S.R.L. and continues to be managed.

Urlaub in Rumänien | Holiday in Romania

The project "Urlaub in Rumänien" is the largest German-language information platform on tourist offers in Romania as a travel destination. In 2023, around 4,500 posts on social media and our online presence reached over 60,000,0000 (60 million) people. The best single post achieved a reach of 700,000 people.

Further multilingual offers such as Discover Brasov, Discover Sulina, Discover Valcea and UiR News offer a wide range of local information.

Our internet presence Urlaub in Rumänien is among the top results on Google in relation to Romania as a travel destination.

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About us

Red Frog Agenție S.R.L. is a company based in Romania, which is active in many market segments around IT, internet, advertising, marketing and consulting. Furthermore, the largest German-language tourism platform for Romania was developed and continues to be managed by Red Frog.

We are looking for:

Immediately: Content Writer

We are looking for Content Writer for our office in Galati to join our team read more ...

Immediately: CMS / WordPress programmer / content manager / web designer

We are looking for a WordPress Programmer / Content Manager / Web Designer for our Galati office read more ...